设计期刊:A portrait of Ingo Maurer, the poet of light 走近光之诗人Ingo Maurer


图片来源:Angela guevara

German designer Ingo Maurer (1932 - 2019) is known the world- over for his unique, poetic approach to light. Though considered an industrial designer, Maurer’s artistic personality was a hard one to pin down to a single definition. He always made a point of introducing a strong element of craftsmanship, and poetry, into all of his creations, not only in the one-off pieces he’d occasionally make for private collectors, but in his entire production.
德国设计师Ingo Maurer(1932-2019年)因其对光线独特而诗意的处理方式闻名于世。虽然Maurer被视为一名工业设计师,但我们很难简单定义他的艺术人格。Maurer的作品大多非常强调手工艺和诗意元素,这不仅体现在他偶尔为私人收藏家制作的孤品中,更是体现在他的其他所有作品中。

Throughout his life, he remained a child at heart, and a dreamer. The son of a fisherman on Lake Constance’s Reichenau Island, young Ingo used to spend long hours watching the light dancing on the waves in a perpetual game of infinite reflections. He would never grow tired of this contemplation. He also loved to watch the birds, the sky and the nature surrounding him, and would later take inspiration from these memories. For instance, the wind playing through the leaves of the poplars lining the scenic road connecting Reichenau to the mainland, inspired his work for the “Silver Cloud” light installation at Munich’s Residenztheater.
纵观其一生,Maurer始终保持着一颗天马行空的童心。他出生于康斯坦斯湖上的赖谢瑙岛,父亲是一名渔夫。年少时,Maurer总是望着湖面上的粼粼波光陷入沉思,仿佛不知疲倦。他还喜欢观察鸟儿、天空和大自然,后来,这些记忆都成为了他的灵感源泉。例如,赖谢瑙岛和陆地由一条风景秀美的道路相连,而微风拂过道路两旁杨树林的场景,正是Maurer在慕尼黑王宫剧院展出的灯光作品“Silver Cloud”的原型。

“Reality only reveals itself when it is illuminated by a ray of poetry”
– Georges Braque

It all started in Venice

After his design studies in Munich, Ingo Maurer worked as a graphic designer in the US, but soon realised that what really interested him was light. Back in Germany, he created his own design company in 1963. The breakthrough came in 1966 with his first international hit: “Bulb”. Maurer loved to recall that the inspiration for its design came one night in Venice, after he had a hefty meal which he washed down with an entire bottle of red wine. That night, he was haunted by the vision of the rounded shapes of that empty bottle, which gave him the idea of the bulb. The next morning he went to Murano and had the glass part hand-blown under his eyes to the exact shape of what he remembered from his inspired yet agitated night. He later added a basis to the lamp.
在慕尼黑学习完设计后,Ingo Maurer前往美国从事平面设计工作,但随后不久,他发现自己真正的兴趣在于灯光。回到德国后,他于1963年创立了自己的设计公司。1966年,Maurer取得了突破性进展,作品“Bulb”在国际上引起热烈反响。Maurer常说,该作品的灵感源自于威尼斯的一个夜晚,当时他饱餐一顿并喝下了一整瓶红酒解腻。那天晚上,他的脑海中不断浮现出那个圆身的空酒瓶,这便是“Bulb”的原型。第二天早上,他前往穆拉诺岛,亲自监督玻璃吹制,完美还原了那个奇妙夜晚的酒瓶形状。后来,他为这盏灯加上了底座。

Light as a connection to our emotions

The playful yet minimalist lines of “Bulb” were a powerful example of Maurer’s idea that what was really important was light itself, not the form, so the shape of the lamp was a representation of the very bulb contained, and visible, in the glass shell. A theme that became recurrent in his work, and a new paradigm in the industry, a true revolution of functionalism over form yet with the added, unique element of Maurer’s poetic and emotional touch.

All his subsequent production would convey this concept, and at the same time carry Maurer’s inimitable elegance and lightness. He also experimented with other materials such as feathers, metal and paper. Humble, everyday materials which would introduce, in an often humorous way, that typical element of craftsmanship that characterises his creations, once again upsetting the accepted boundaries separating mass production from custom pieces.

“Lucellino”, declined in numerous versions in the “Birds” series, was also themed around the light bulb as the embodiment of both function and form. It featured a low-voltage, specially made light bulb to which goose-feather wings were attached.A masterpiece of poetry and simplicity.

Reminiscent, at times quite deliberately, of Japanese history and culture, numerous pieces use paper and origami techniques. “Samurai”, “Poul Poul”, “Yoruba Rose”, “Wo-Tum- Bu” and “Kokoro” are among these.
有时,为强调日本历史与文化,Maurer的作品会以纸为原料并采用折纸技艺,例如“Samurai”、“Poul Poul”、“Yoruba Rose”、“Wo-Tum-Bu”和“Kokoro”。

Confirming the difficulty to box his style into a single movement, Maurer’s repeated flirts with Pop are a clear expression of his ability to play with shapes and materials while remaining absolutely true to himself in privileging both the beauty and the functionality of light. The “Licht.Enstein” series cheekily hints at Pop Art icon Roy Lichtenstein, while “Canned light” makes direct reference to Warhol’s Campbell Soup cans. “Comic Explosion” and the “Campari” series also offer strong, colourful references to popular and mass culture imagery.
除了风格上的多变,Maurer还熟练运用波普主义,在对光线的美学及功能表达上带有鲜明的个人色彩,展现出对形状和材料的娴熟驾驭能力。“Licht.Enstein”系列大胆暗示了波普艺术大师Roy Lichtenstein,而“Canned light”则直接参考了Warhol的金宝汤罐头。“Comic Explosion”和“Campari”系列也为流行大众文化提供了风格强烈、色彩鲜明的图像参考。


“Form is important, but light itself is more important. I believe light is something very much connected to our emotions”

“I like design that is understood and not pretentious, which leaves a lot of space for people to use it”


Maurer’s intent was to make people feel good, and looked after, in a space lit by his creations. This applies indifferently to production, custom lamps and to the large public installations, of which Maurer did a consistent number in every corner of our planet.


In that, his perspective is more that of a director of photography than that of a designer, as he would focus on the emotions he can create more than on the aesthetic impact of the physical object. What people feel when using his products is really important to him. This concern translates quite clearly in the “Zettel’z” series, among Maurer’s best known lamps, with a series of blank sheets of paper being supplied for users to express their creativity with their own messages and sketches.

The Maurer production is vast, and keeps expanding to the present day. It includes many other inspirations and references, yet maintaining the same spirit.

The importance of the emotional part, though, does not imply disinterest for technology, far from it. Maurer is among the first designers who experimented with LED and OLED, and the quality of light and its effectiveness at “doing its job” are paramount throughout his entire production. This only comes with thorough and rigorous R&D work.

Like a renaissance master

“We can do the work we do only because we have a super team”
Ingo Maurer passed in 2019, yet his legacy survives in the continued work of his successors. He used to refer to his collaborators as “the team”. From the moment he became an established designer, some forty years ago, he created a veritable renaissance workshop. A school of thought, of art and craft, that grew with him, perpetuating his special attitude to light and life. Today, the “spirit of Ingo” lives on in the 60-strong company he created and that bears his name.
Ingo Maurer于2019年逝世,但他的继任者仍在持续践行其设计理念。Maurer习惯于将合作者称为“团队”。约四十年前,当时已是知名设计师的Maurer创立了一间名副其实的文艺复兴工作室。工作室的思想、艺术及工艺跟随他一同成长,并延续了他对光线和生命的独特态度。如今,这间与Ingo Maurer同名的工作室员工规模已达60人,而“Ingo精神”在工作室生生不息。

